2700 Fait Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21224




What about appointments?
After the first visit, appointments are not required. Simply stop by during normal office hours, and you will be seen. If you are arriving near closing time, please call to let me know you are on your way, so I can make arrangements to stay a little late. Admittedly, my office hours are limited, but being a good mom is just as important to me as being a good chiropractor.
Does it hurt?
At most, it may be uncomfortable and feel awkward, but generally the adjustment is not painful. The more relaxed you are during the adjustment, the less likely you are to have pain. Everything will be done to make the adjustment as painless and pleasant as possible.
When can I expect results?
Different people, different injuries and different lifestyles all equal different rates of recovery. Most patients have positive responses within 48 hours of treatment, but don’t be disappointed if this isn’t you. Sometimes, chiropractic care takes three to six visits before a change is noted. However, if you are not responding to care the way I expect, I promise to let you know. It is not my policy to keep treating you without getting results.
How often do I have to come in for treatment?
Again, each patient is different. But if I told you that you would feel great in five visits, then if you come in once a week, you’d feel great in five weeks. If you come in every other day, you’d feel great much sooner.
What can I do to make myself better?
Drink tons of water — our bodies need it! Stretch and exercise is helpful, but remember — it’s not a no pain, no gain situation. If it hurts, then stop. Get a good night’s rest. Our bodies heal during deep sleep, so a good seven to eight hours will make a world of difference.
What insurances do you accept?
Dr. Steiner is a preferred provider for United Healthcare, Blue Cross, Blue Choice and Johns Hopkins EHP. Out-of-network benefits would apply to other insurances such as Aetna, Cigna, Mamsi, etc. In the case of out-of-network benefits, you might be more interested in paying our cash rate for regular treatments — $40. That’s usually about the same as your in-network copay.
What forms of payment do you accept?
Venmo, cash, checks and credit cards are all accepted. This includes flexible spending plans or health savings plans that use credit cards.